Wednesday, September 22, 2010

On Prayer: First and Last Business of the Day

Peter Beskendorf, Martin Luther's barber, asked the good doctor for some guidance on how to prepare for prayer.  Luther wrote a  brief work on the subject for his barber entitled "A Simply Way to Pray" in 1535.  The following is the introduction and a brief excerpt from that work.

Dear Master Peter:  I will tell you as best I can what I do personally when I pray.  May our dear Lord grant to you and to everybody to do it better than I!  Amen.

It is a good thing to let prayer be the first business of the morning and the last at night.  Guard yourself carefully against those false, deluding ideas which tell you, "Wait a little while.  I will pray in an hour; first I must attend to this or that."  Such thoughts get you away from prayer into other affairs which so hold your attention and involve you that nothing comes of prayer for that day. 

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